December 31, 2008

Looking Forward - 2009!

2007 and 2008 were when.........
when we got a job.........
when we passed out of college....
when we made new amazing friends.....
when some of us moved to a new city.....
When some of us celebrated our 21st - 24th birthdays.....
When we waved good bye to our buddies leaving to the states for higherstudies..
when some of us fell in love........
when some of us fell out of love
when some of us got hurtwhen some 'one' you liked, did not like 'you'..
when we would have made mistakes
when we made life decisions.......
when these decisions turned out to be a tragedywhen some of us felt lonely ....
when some of us made an amazing friends in a new city
when some of us would have learnt to be stronger.....
when some of us would have realized that everything happens for areason.....
when some of us let out our anger.....
when some of us never opened up to our friends about how we felt....
when some of us felt so glad and happy to be the way they are.....
when we go out everyday and meet up with our friends...
when we missed each other when we were at hometown.....
when we missed our mom here ...
when we cried for each other ...
When we celebrated our first Christmas with our friends ..
When we were jobless all the time in office ....
When we walked around the streets late in the night ..
When we put budget for the next month (but strictly not following it)

Lastyear has taken us through all our ups and downs we faced in our life... more year.....
A year to....
To find our life partner (might be)
to forget old smile........
to let people know how much u care...
to learn from our mistakes.......
to cry when we are feeling down.....
to follow our dreams.......
to fight against everything for our dreams to come true.....
to be more confident.........
to be more strong at heart and mind.....
to enrich our knowledge.........
to make others happy....

Lets take each day as it comes........
Forget about the downs we came across in the past year........
And remember every lesson we learnt through them........
Let's Enjoy Life to the Fullest............



December 04, 2008

God is CRAZY!

Well…Isn’t it God really crazy??
I always wonder what is the so called ‘power’ which is driving us in our entire life!!! Is that our 'will' power? Or some 'magic' power? Or power of 'nature'?
I ever wonder why God created us, why he gives births and why he again take away those lives? He created human beings…with brains to think, with mouths to speak, with ears to listen…On the other hand, he also created many living species of animals and birds…Yes, Isn’t God crazy??

I also wonder everyone says that everything is pre-written by God…our fate is just decided by God... He already wrote our stories of our fates and had sent us to this beautiful world…So, if anyone is of bad character or if anyone kills the other person, why should we blame him? Its his fate as already written by God !!! So, Isn’t God crazy??

I just wonder, after our deaths, where would our souls roam? Do we have another life? If so, how and in what type of species we gonna take birth? If I don’t wanna be born as a terrorist or Mafia then whom should I contact to ask about this? To whom should I give my application for my next life? To God? Yeah, but how? Because, we aren’t sure whether we gonna roam in Heaven or Hell, right?

Yeah, I know…World is so small…But God gave us ‘hearts’ along with our lives to live in peace and make this world as well as our lives also beautiful…Why don’t we obey God? Why should we hate others? Why should we kill others? Why should we live in hell like this?
Let’s make our world beautiful…just like Heaven…
Let’s struggle for peace…In this busy busy life, just think once …
Why is God so crazy to send us to this world?
Let’s pray God not to be more crazy and ask him not to send anymore idiots to this world who make blasts and kill lakhs of humans and animals…
Let’s pray God not to send heartless humans who deceive others and take away their peace…
Let’s pray God not to send anymore humans who spoil our lives and the beauty of this world…
Instead, let’s ask him to send his angels to watch over us and always make our lives beautiful and peace…

******* Isn’t God crazy to make me write like this?????? *******

December 01, 2008

H@PPy B!RTH|)AY \/@rM@

On your birthday V wish you much pleasure and joy;
V hope all of your wishes come true.
May each hour and minute be filled with delight,
And your birthday be perfect for you.
Wishing U a wonderful year ahead buddy.

Many many happy returns of da day :) :) :)