August 04, 2007

Kalam to Kampus on 16th or 17th....

Kalam has visited our sister college Vishnu Engg college in Bhimavaram n know wat--all the ECE n CHE ppl over der were placed...our coll being a better one has not yet placed even 50% of it's students.....n so for this Chairman requested the eX-President to visit our campus n give us a moral boost...n so Mr.Kalam is expected to visit our campus on 16th or 17th of this month...


~~$HeRRy~~bAnnEdzOnE tEAm


vamsi said...

cooool man my role model is due to visit our campus thtzzzzz really interestin..........lookin fwd to d d day............

sowmya said...

gud info is really interesting and exciting to hear from u dat..Kalam is goin to visit our wen is dat BIG DAy...